My Herbalife Journey – Week 3:  Eeh By Gum, I’m Shrinking!

My Herbalife Journey – Week 3: Eeh By Gum, I’m Shrinking!

Well, I’m glad to say that I’ve had a much better week than Boris Johnson!  After last week’s weigh in, I ploughed through Tesco like a woman possessed, topping up my fruit stash.  Somehow, an avocado made its way into my trolley – a fruit I’ve always shied away from,...
My Herbalife Journey – Week 2:  I Think I’ve Been Cloned

My Herbalife Journey – Week 2: I Think I’ve Been Cloned

Well, I survived the first week! Life threw some (very pleasant) curveballs and challenges my way during Week 1 but I managed to stick to the plan, not fall off the wagon, stay focused and do what needed to be done. Yes, I’m as surprised by that as you, dear reader...
My Herbalife Journey – Week 1: Four Days In

My Herbalife Journey – Week 1: Four Days In

From Samuel Pepys to Bridget Jones, we all seem to love reading other people’s diaries.  So, I sincerely hope you’ll follow my journey over the next three weeks as I undertake a 21 Day Herbalife weight loss plan.  I’ll be updating this blog with my highs and lows...
Chances Are, You Hate It When This Happens To You …..

Chances Are, You Hate It When This Happens To You …..

Picture the scene.  It’s a busy evening at Casa You.  You’ve been on your feet all day, the kids are tired and hungry, the household chores need doing, you’ve got a million things to do tomorrow and to top it all, with a loud bang and a puff of smoke your...
5 Top Tips To Increase Productivity

5 Top Tips To Increase Productivity

“A plan is what, a schedule is when. It takes both a plan and a schedule to get things done.”  Let me guess – you’re busy, right?  You have a To Do list that you never seem to get to the bottom of.  You have unfinished projects, people to phone and ideas for your...
Workshops: which type of delegate are you?

Workshops: which type of delegate are you?

For any of you reading this who deliver training workshops, have you noticed that most groups of people can usually be broken down into type.  I hope you enjoy my (very) tongue in cheek romp through a few of the common traits I’ve come across over the years.  The...