From Samuel Pepys to Bridget Jones, we all seem to love reading other people’s diaries.  So, I sincerely hope you’ll follow my journey over the next three weeks as I undertake a 21 Day Herbalife weight loss plan.  I’ll be updating this blog with my highs and lows (although hopefully not too many of those!), with a new blog appearing for Weeks 2 and 3.

My Why

Over the years I’ve tried every diet going.  I even have a diploma in nutrition.  My problem is me.  I am my own worst enemy, hence taking a very public approach to this adventure.  There’s also the fact that Simply Nutrition is one of my clients and I want to understand their ethos behind weight loss, in order to give them a better service with their social media. 

What’s A Gal To Do?

Quite simply, I am replacing one meal a day (usually lunch) for a Herbalife Protein Shake.  I will eat breakfasts and evening meals, with healthy snacking in between.   It’ll take planning and willpower so please feel free to offer tips and encouragement along the way!

The Story So Far

At my initial consultation with the fab Andy at Simply Nutrition, we talked about my lifestyle, my eating habits and goals.  I was then asked to step onto a set of scales which passed a tiny electrical current through my body and took measurements for my hydration levels, body fat percentage and visceral fat percentage – we now have a starting point!  Andy then talked me through the range of Herbalife products to incorporate into my day:  an Aloe drink for first thing in the morning, two different flavours of their F1 drink, protein powder to add to the F1 formula, and a raspberry protein tea, which can be taken hot or cold. 

I’m back in Lichfield tomorrow, where I will have my measurements taken (eeeek!) and my food diary and menu plans assessed.  WhatsApp will also be working overtime as I have been asked to send pictures of all meals to Andy so he can gain an insight into my portion sizes and nutritional balance. 

Today’s biggest achievement has been mastering my new Nutribullet without flooding my kitchen worktop with a Summer Berries shake!

Huzzah!! I mastered the art of the Nutribullet – there’s no stopping me now!

Yes, it’s only Day 1 but I’m feeling good! 

Four Days In – And I’m Still Going!

I have absolutely no idea where this week has gone, nor how I’ve managed to stay 100% focused when I’ve had networking breakfasts, 121s in lovely cafes and just generally been rushing round like the proverbial blue arsed fly!

It’s safe to say that I’ve got my head well and truly round the terrifying gadget known as the Nutribullet. I’m now like a dervish when mixing up my lunchtime meal replacement of a Herbalife Protein Shake. I have three flavours to choose from: Summer Berries, Chocolate and (my fave) Cafe Latte.

I’ve sussed out that the aloe drink improves the flavour of cranberry juice so that’s another Herbalife box well and truly ticked!

I’ve planned ahead for networking breakfasts and haven’t fallen off the wagon yet, and I’ve been cooking from scratch all week, with no evening naughty nibbles – just fruit, nuts and yogurt.

My one area that I really need to improve on is exercise. I’m determined to get back into the swimming pool but at the mo, Tao is keeping me so busy that the days are just passing me by.

There was an element of relief when Andy of Simply Nutrition Lichfield only needed the one tape measure to take my digits, and my hydration levels are heading in the right direction – even if my loo roll bill has gone up!

This week’s new discovery is that hummus is really easy to make, and tastes so much better that the shop-bought stuff. Who knew!? Spread over a couple of crispbreads or a rice cracker, it’s filling and very very tasty.

I’ll leave you with a #TopTip – nuts are full of protein, but aim to buy the shell-on varieties such as monkey nuts and pistachio nuts. De-shelling them take such a long time that you eat less – true!

Well, I think that’s about all for now. The weekend is looming and there’s social stuff on the calendar. Wish me luck and I’ll update you all in a few days’ time!

Keep smiling ……. x