Unless you’ve been living in a cave for the last few years, you can’t have escaped the popularity of micro-blogging social media site, Twitter. Launched in 2006, the site now has over 270 million active users. Businesses of all shapes and sizes across every imaginable industry sector are using Twitter to generate leads and sales, and as a means of communicating with customers. Research has shown that over a third of Twitter users will buy from a brand they follow.

When I’m out and about delivering Twitter training it’s the same issues that crop up every time: not knowing what to say, not knowing when to post and generally being “Twitter shy”. If you can identify with any of those traits, my Top 5 Twitter Tips will hopefully help you overcome your fears, and turn your Twitter feed into something to be proud of.

  1. A decent profile image is a must! Ditch the Twitter egg avatar, avoid the holiday snaps and moon-faced selfies. If you’re using Twitter to promote your business or your services, invest in a session with a photographer and get some profile head-shots taken. An image of you will bring your personality into your Tweets but do you really want potential customers to see you on the beach in your swimwear or throwing shapes on a dancefloor?
  2. Learn to love #hashtags! There are hashtag hours all over the place on Twitter, covering different industries, events, geographic locations, networking groups …. the list is endless. Partaking in a hashtag hour is just like networking, except it takes place on Twitter. It’s a fabulous way to engage with like-minded businesses, and over time it will help to increase your Twitter followers.
  3. Post regularly. One of the keys to Twitter success is a regular presence. This will help to keep your brand on the radar of those following you. I’d suggest a minimum of 3 Tweets a day, plus engagement.
  4. Be relevant. If you are using your Twitter account to grow your business your website should act as your primary source of information. Use your Tweets to lead followers back to your website and to guide them to specific pages on your website. Set up Google Alerts for your industry sector, subscribe to industry journals and newsletters – over the course of a couple of days you’ll be pleasantly surprised how much material you acquire which can be used on social media.
  5. Engage! It’s not called a “social” network for nothing. If you see something of interest, or want to help a fellow business to spread the word re-tweet their tweets. If someone re-tweets you, thank them. Welcome new followers, recommend articles to other users, comment on Tweets in your timeline – there are so many ways to engage!

I hope you’ve found something of use in my Top 5 Twitter Tips. If you’re still baffled by the whole concept of 140 characters, get in touch and #TalkToTao!